Oil & Gas

Evaluation of the Prospectivity of Certain Exploration Permits, Queensland and the Northern Territory, Australia

Technical Studies


Evaluation of the Prospectivity of Certain Exploration Permits, Queensland and the Northern Territory, Australia

ERCE has prepared a report summarising the prospectivity of certain exploration permits in Queensland and the Northern Territory.



ERCE have been asked by client to assist in their application for ASX listing.


ERCE has carried out this review using data and information made available by client. The data comprise details of license interests, seismic data, basic exploration, well and engineering data (including well logs, core, PVT and test data where available) and technical reports. ERCE have also made use of any publicly available data in our interpretation. Our approach has been to commence our investigations with the most recent technical reports and interpreted data. From these we have been able to identify those items of basic data which require re-assessment. We have carried out a review of available seismic data, completed our own independent petrophysical evaluation and reservoir engineering evaluation.


ERCE highlighted the potential size and thickness of prospective units , which includes potential prospectivity for conventional gas plays, coal seam gas, shale oil and shale gas or the basin thickness where no wells have been drilled.